Susan’s Garden – 2025

Our plans for the next growing season are complete. Please note that you’ll find both the vegetable crops and flower varieties that we want to grow in 2025, so be sure to scroll all the way down this page to see everything.

Here's what we plan to grow in our vegetable garden during the 2025 garden season. To visit the web pages of any of the seed sources listed, go to the Links page under the Guides menu on this website. Always check with your local independent garden center first! Note that any varieties followed by an asterisk (*) are new to us. The list of sources is by no means exhaustive but it will give you some ideas.
CropVarietySeed Sources
ArugulaEsmeeHigh Mowing Seeds, Johnny's
BasilLettuce LeafBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Eden Brothers, Park Seed
BasilEverleaf Emerald TowersJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
BasilPurple RufflesHarris Seeds, Pinetree Garden Seeds, Seeds 'n Such
Bean, bushRed SwanJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
Bean, bushTop CropSeeds 'n Such, Urban Farmer
Bean, favaBroad WindsorBaker Creek
Bean, poleFortexJohnny's, Vermont Bean Seed
Bean, poleMonte Gusto YellowJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
BeetCylindra/CylindricalBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Burpee, Johnny's, Pinetree, Seed Savers Exchange, Urban Farmer
BeetGolden Detroit*Baker Creek, Botanical Interests, Johnny's, Park Seed, Renee's Garden, Territorial Seed, Urban Farmer
BroccoliBelstarBotanical Interests, High Mowing Organic Seeds, Park Seed, Territorial Seed
CarrotDolcivaHigh Mowing
CarrotNarvik*High Mowing, Johnny's
CarrotTendersweet*Seeds 'n Such
CeleryUtah ImprovedBurpee, Ed Hume Seeds, Ferry Morse Seeds, Harris Seeds
ChardRainbow BlendEd Hume Seeds
CornSweetness BicolorEd Hume Seeds
CucumberMiniMeHarris Seeds, High Mowing, Park Seed, Territorial Seed, Urban Farmer
CucumberLunchbox hybridBurpee
Goldenberry (aka Cape Gooseberry)John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
KaleRed RussianBaker Creek, Eden Brothers, Johnny's, Seeds 'n Such, True Leaf Market
LettuceBauerHigh Mowing, Johnny's, Park Seed, Territorial Seed
LettuceButtercrunchBaker Creek, Eden Brothers, Harris, Johnny's, Seeds 'n Such, Territorial
MelonTuscan NapoliRenee's Garden Seeds
OnionAilsa CraigJohnny's
OnionBarolo*Baker Creek, Johnny's
Pak choiBopakHarris Seed, High Mowing, Johnny's, Pinetree, Territorial Seed, Urban Farmer
ParsleyItalian Flat LeafBotanical Interests, Eden Brothers, Renee's Garden, Seeds 'n Such
PeaGreen ArrowBotanical Interests, Park Seed, Seed Savers Exchange, Snake River Seed Cooperative, Territorial Seed
Pepper, sweetMarconi RossoEd Hume Seeds
Pepper, sweetRed ImpactPark Seed, Seeds 'n Such
Pepper, hotEarly JalapenoEd Hume Seeds, Seeds 'n Such
Pepper, hotMegatron JalapenoJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
Pepper, hotPot-a-penoPark Seed, Seeds 'n Such, Territorial Seed, Totally Tomato
PotatoYukon Gem(seed potatoes) Gurney's, High Mowing, Renee's Garden Seeds
PumpkinBig MaxBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Burpee, Eden Brothers, Ferry Morse, Gurney's
PumpkinBatwing Mini Pumpkin mixJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
PumpkinJack Be LittleBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Burpee, Eden Brothers
PumpkinNew England PieBaker Creek, Fedco Seeds, High Mowing, Johnny's, Kitchen Garden Seeds
RadishPurple PlumBaker Creek, Eden Brothers, High Mowing
ShallotZebruneBaker Creek, Johnny's
ShallotCreme Brulee*Johnny's
SpinachGiant Winter*High Mowing, Territorial Seed, Uprising Seeds
Squash, summerCocozelleHigh Mowing, Park Seed, Pinetree, Urban Farmer
Squash, summerZephyr*Pinetree, Seeds 'n Such
Squash, winterAutumn FrostHarris Seeds, Pinetree, Seeds 'n Such, Territorial
Squash, winterBurpee's Butterbush butternutAnnie's Heirlooms, Baker Creek, Burpee, Territorial
Squash, winterPotimarronSeed Savers Exchange
Tomato, pasteBlue BeechAnnie's Heirlooms, Hudson Valley Seeds, Johnny's, Pinetree
Tomato, pasteSupremoBotanical Interests
Tomato, pasteSaucy Lady*Kitchen Garden Seeds, Seeds 'n Such, Totally Tomatoes, Urban Farmer
Tomato, slicingChef's Choice OrangePark Seed, Seed Savers Exchange, Seeds 'n Such, Totally Tomato, Urban Farmer
Tomato, grapePandorinoRenee's Garden
TurnipSilky SweetRenee's Garden
I love growing annual flowers in our garden. They add so much beauty, make great cut flowers, and best of all, they attract all sorts of pollinators. If you’re looking for links to the web sources listed below, just go to the Links page under the “Guides” menu on this website and scroll down to where it says “Seed Sources & Garden Supplies Online.” Always check with your local independent garden center first, both to patronize them and to save on shipping! Note that any varieties followed by an asterisk (*) are new to us for this year.
FlowerVarietySeed Sources
CoreopsisIncredible! SwirlBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Select Seeds
CosmosRubenza*Pinetree Garden Seeds
CosmosApricottaBaker Creek, Botanical Interest, Johnny's
CosmosPink MosaicJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
Cup and Saucer VineBlue Cathedral BellsBotanical Interests, Renee's Garden
MarigoldBig Duck YellowPark Seed
MarigoldMr. Majestic*Pinetree, Seeds 'n Such
MarigoldXochi OrangeTrue Leaf Market
Rudbeckia Sahara mixBaker Creek, Harris Seeds, Johnny's, Urban Farmer
RudbeckiaPrairie Sun*Pinetree
SalpiglossisSuperbissima BlendBotanical Interests
SunflowerFlorenzaBaker Creek, Fedco Seeds, Johnny's, Kitchen Garden Seeds, Pinetree
SunflowerGummy BearJohn Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds
Sunflower (container)JuniorKitchen Garden Seeds, Renee's Garden, Urban Farmer
SunflowerPaintboxRenee's Garden Seeds
Sweet PeaBeaujolaisBotanical Interests
Sweet PeaHigh ScentBaker Creek, Botanical Interests, Burpee, Park Seed, Johnny's
Sweet PeaLittle SweetheartBotanical Interests, Eden Brothers
TithoniaFiesta del Sol*Baker Creek, Pinetree
Verbena bonariensisVanityBurpee, Harris Seeds, Park Seed, Renee's, Select Seeds
ZinniaAztec SunsetBaker Creek, Eden Brothers, Park Seed, Seeds 'n Such
ZinniaProfusion Cherry BicolorEden Brothers, Harris Seeds, Park Seed, Seeds 'n Such
ZinniaQueeny Lime OrangeBotanical Interests, Gurney's, Johnny's, Park Seed