Seed Starting: When to Plant Vegetables – Zones 5 and 6

The following table is Susan’s personal guide. It shows when to plant vegetables from seed. And it is specifically for USDA hardiness zones 5 and 6. If you live in a warmer climate, check the seed packets for the timing of your plantings. The “Indoors” column refers to the date you would start seeds indoors. If a crop is only listed under “Outdoors,” that means it should be sown directly into the garden. What if it states to plant in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked? That means you should wait until it’s dry and crumbly before working with it. I hope this will help you with your seed-starting plans.

Arugulasow directly Apr. 15 and/or Aug. 15
ArtichokeMar. 6 (note: vernalize seeds first in refrigerator starting Feb. 15, then plant seeds indoors)transplant May 15-21
BasilApr. 15transplant May 30 OR sow directly outdoors May 30
Bean (pole or bush)May 7-10transplant May 21-30 OR sow directly outdoors May 21-30
BeetApr. 7 and/or Aug. 15
BroccoliMar. 1 to Mar. 15transplant Apr. 21 to May 1
CabbageMar. 1 to Mar. 15transplant Apr. 21 to May 1
Carrotsow directly Apr. 15
CeleryMar. 15transplant May 15
CilantroApr. 1 OR the first week of August so leaves are plentiful during tomato harvest
CornMay 1transplant May 21-30 OR sow directly outdoors May 21-30
CucumberMay 1 transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
EggplantMar. 1 transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
KaleMar. 1 or July 1 (winter crop)transplant Apr. 15 or Aug. 15 (for winter crop)
LeekFeb. 1 to Mar. 1transplant May 1
Lettucesow directly Apr. 15
MelonMay 1-15transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
OnionsSeeds: mid-JanuaryTransplant seedlings or direct-sow seeds or direct-plant onion starts: Apr. 15
ParsleyMar. 1transplant Apr. 15-May 1
Parsnipsow directly Apr. 15
PeaApr. 8 (note: if you intend to transplant individual pea seedlings outdoors, follow this timing. If starting “gutter peas” indoors, start them around mid-March and transplant each gutter of them in mid-April.)transplant Apr. 15 OR sow directly outdoors Apr. 15
PepperMar. 10transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
Potato (seed potatoes)approx. Apr. 15
Potato, sweetStart your own “slips” in mid- to late Marchapprox. May 21-30
PumpkinMay 1-15transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
RadishApr. 7-10
Spinachsow directly Apr. 15 and/or Aug. 15
Squash (summer or winter varieties)May 1-15 transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
Swiss chardsow directly Apr. 15
TomatilloMar. 15-30transplant May 21-30 (with protection) to June 1
TomatoApr. 1transplant May 21-30 (with protection)