Lark Sparrow
The Lark Sparrow really stands out with its markings.
Latin name: Chondestes grammacus
Length, wingspan: 6.5″, 11″
What they eat: Seeds, insects
Habitat: Open grassy areas
Plants that attract: Mixture of trees and shrubs, along with open areas
Where they nest: On the ground, or in a shrub or tree
My observations: The lark sparrow is a bird I haven’t seen a lot of on our property but they’re quite attractive. They have quite distinctive markings, as you can see by my photos. Note the creamy breast, which has a central brown spot. Look at the patterns on its head, including brown cheek patches and black striping. This beautiful bird walks with quite an upright posture as it forages for food in grassy areas.
For more details about this bird, go to Cornell’s All About Birds website.
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