Mourning Dove
The mourning dove is smaller than the Eurasian collared dove and makes frequent appearances in our garden.
Latin name: Zenaida macroura
Length, wingspan: 12″, 18″
What they eat: Seeds, occasionally berries
Habitat: Woodlands, open areas, farmland
Where they nest: Coniferous or deciduous trees
My observations: The mourning dove is much more petite than the introduced Eurasian Collared doves, having slender bodies and narrow, triangular tails with black and white tips. They also have black speckles on their wings. They earned their name from their soft, plaintive cooing calls and when they flush, their wings make unusual whistling sounds. We see them during the summer months, nibbling on the fallen seeds underneath the bird feeders.
For more details about the mourning dove, go to Cornell’s All About Birds website.
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