Mallard Duck
We are frequently visited in the spring by a female Mallard duck. She brings her tiny ducklings to our pond.
Latin name: Anas platyrhynchos
Length, wingspan: 23″, 35″
What they eat: Aquatic vegetation, some insects and grains
Plants that attract: Wetlands, water gardens
Where they nest: In a depression on the ground
My observations: If you want some Mallards to come for a visit, it’s very helpful to have a pond! Ours is about 11 feet x 17 feet (see photo at bottom), with a small waterfall. Apparently it looks inviting enough to a pair of ducks that drop by a couple of times each year. They stay just long enough for a swim, a quick nibble on some algae, and a little preening. And then, off they go. Mallards are very common ducks with what appears to be sweet dispositions. Adult males have beautiful green heads (note top photo) while females (to left) are more drab. Did you know Mallards are referred to as “dabbling ducks?” That’s because they don’t dive for food, they just pitch forward in the water to snag bits of aquatic vegetation.
For more details about this bird, go to Cornell’s All About Birds website.

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