

We think hummingbirds are just amazing. It’s always exciting when they return to our garden each spring.

1. Black-chinned (Archilochus alexandri) _ Length 3.75″, wingspan 4.75″ (photo #1)
2. Calliope (Stellula calliope) _ Length 3.25″, wingspan 4.25″ (photo #2)
3. Rufous (Selasphorus rufus) _ Length 3.75″, wingspan 4.5″ (photo #3 is possibly a sub-adult Rufous)

What they eat: Nectar, small insects

Plants that attract: Tubular flowers such as penstemon, bee balm, honeysuckle, lantana, columbine, phlox, fuchsia, trumpet vine.

Calliope hummingbird

Where they nest: Trees, shrubs

My observations: I’ve grouped together the three hummingbirds that visit our garden every summer since they have similar needs and habits. I believe every gardener is delighted when these tiny marvels visit their garden! Their mastery of flight is amazing and they’re such beautiful creatures. They certainly are territorial, however, and squabble a lot over who has rights to the feeders.

I’ve never found a tiny hummingbird nest yet, but hope to someday. The birds migrate south in late summer to early fall.

Both male and female Black-chinned hummingbirds have green backs. The males have green heads, black chins, purple bands around their necks, and black tail feathers. Females have more drably-colored chins and breasts, as well as black- and white-tipped tail feathers.

attract hummingbirds, bird photography tips, Calliope or Rufous

Male and female Calliopes have smaller bodies than the Black-chins, green backs and more square tails. Calliope males have streaked, rose-colored throat patches and black tail feathers. Calliope females’ tails have black-and-white-tipped tail feathers.

Female Rufous hummingbirds have green backs and tail feathers that are rust-and green-colored with black tips. Adult male Rufous hummers have rust-colored bodies and black-tipped tail feathers and stunning bronze-colored throat patches.

Hummingbird syrup recipe:

Follow the 1:4 ratio of one part sugar to four parts water. Red food dye is unnecessary. Don’t use brown sugar or honey.

Videos of hummingbirds:

Here is the most amazing video I’ve captured yet, showing a hummingbird bathing on a wet peony leaf:

This next video is of a Black-chinned hummer sitting on a branch:

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