Bald Eagle
Learn more about our national emblem, the Bald Eagle.
Latin name: Haliaeetus leucocephalis
Length, wingspan: 31″, 80″
What they eat: Fish, mammals, reptiles
Habitat that attracts: Coniferous trees, open areas, lakes, rivers
Where they nest: Primarily near the tops of trees, sometimes cliffs
My observations: You probably weren’t expecting me to say I have Bald Eagles in my garden, were you? But, yes, they have perched at the tops of nearby pine trees and soared overhead many a time. This tends to make the coveys of quail run for cover! The sheer size and strength of these eagles is magnificent. Mature adult eagles have the easily distinguishable white heads and tail feathers. Immature birds have brown feathers and speckled breasts. Considering their size, it’s always surprising to hear their calls which mainly consist of mild-mannered little chirps. But boy, their huge wing span is impressive as they soar high above on a thermal!
Learn more about the bald eagle on Cornell’s All About Birds website.
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