My Backyard Birds

my backyard birds

Yup, this is a long list! When I started to put together a list of my backyard yards, I was astounded by how many there are. I’ve seen the following birds in and around my garden over the years.

For each bird that I have decent photos (and/or videos) of, I’ve written up a profile page. So if you see an active link below, click on it to read the profile. You’ll find information on their size, what they eat and the type of habitat you’ll find them in. I included where they nest and how to attract them. All are my personal observations. I fully intend to create more profile pages as the opportunities present themselves. I hope you’ll enjoy learning more about my backyard birds!

And to learn more about your bird friends, be sure to check the All About Birds website from Cornell.

Bird NameLink
Blackbird, Red-wingedProfile
Bluebird, WesternProfile
Bunting, LazuliProfile
Catbird, GrayProfile
Chickadee, Black-cappedProfile
Chickadee, MountainProfile
Cowbird, Brown-headedProfile
Crossbill, RedProfile
Dove, Eurasian CollaredProfile
Dove, MourningProfile
Duck, MallardProfile
Eagle, BaldProfile
Eagle, Golden
Finch (House, Cassin’s, Purple)Profile (House Finch)
Flicker, NorthernProfile
Goldfinch, AmericanProfile
Grosbeaks (Black-headed, Pine)Profile
Hawk, Cooper’sProfile
Hawk, Marsh
Hawk, Northern GoshawkProfile
Hawk, Red-tailedProfile
Hawk, Sharp-shinnedProfile
Heron, Great BlueProfile
Hummingbirds (Rufous, Black-chinned, Calliope)Profile
Junco, Dark-eyedProfile
Kestrel, American
Kingbird, EasternProfile (Eastern)
Kinglet, Golden-crowned
Magpie, Black-billedProfile
Meadowlark, WesternProfile
Nuthatches (Pygmy, Red-Breasted, White-Breasted)Profile (White-Breasted)
Owl, Great Horned
Phoebe, Say’sProfile
Pine SiskinProfile
Quail, CaliforniaProfile
Raven, CommonProfile
Redpoll, CommonProfile
Shrike, NorthernProfile
Sparrow (Chipping, White-throated, White-crowned)Profile (profiles of White-throated and White-crowned only)
Sparrow, LarkProfile
Sparrow, SongProfile
Starling, EuropeanProfile
Swallow (Violet-green, Barn)
Tanager, WesternProfile
Thrush, VariedProfile
Towhee, SpottedProfile
Townsend’s SolitaireProfile
Vireo, Cassin’s
Vulture, Turkey
Warblers (Yellow-rumped, Wilson’s)Profile (Yellow-rumped)
Waxwings (Bohemian and Cedar)Profile
Woodpecker, Downy and HairyProfile
Wood-Pewee, WesternProfile
Wren, HouseProfile