Attracting birds
My husband, Bill, and I have been interested in watching birds for as long as I can remember. In 1989, we bought five acres in a rural area. The property had been farmed over the years and was wide open. Since attracting birds was very important to us, we knew we’d have to do some serious landscaping to make birds feel safe.
Attracting birds to a garden isn’t all that difficult, once you’ve met their basic needs of cover, food, water and nesting sites.
Cover (shelter)
I’ve listed cover, or shelter, first for the reason stated in the first paragraph. Birds know that a landscape devoid of trees and shrubs puts them at risk from predators such as hawks and cats.
The first thing we did was to plant a lot of young trees and shrubs. We purchased them at the Spokane County Conservation District’s annual plant sale. Everything we bought was native to this area and most are drought-tolerant. The native shrubs also provide us with flowers in the spring and summer, and fall color. Some of them have berries to feed hungry birds during the fall and winter months. All good attributes!
We also planted all sorts of perennials, annuals and bulbs. These were to provide color, and scent, as well as nectar for hummingbirds, pollinators and butterflies.
As the landscape started filling in, we purchased bird feeders to accommodate the seed-eaters. This includes chickadees, juncoes, goldfinches and other types of finches. We primarily put out black-oil sunflower seeds and Nyjer thistle seed mainly for the goldfinches and pine siskins. The latter seed is more expensive but boy, do those birds adore it! California quail are also seed-eaters but they don’t come to feeders. They are content to eat any “spillage” underneath feeders.
Remember to leave the seed heads of flowers like coneflowers, black-eyed Susans and bee balm in your flower beds when tidying things up in the fall. (or better yet, wait until early spring to clean things up.) Those seeds are an important nutrition source for birds during the fall and winter months. So you have my permission to do less work at the end of the season!
This video, which I shot in December 2015, illustrates this point all too well:
Suet is another food source that we place in wire baskets. It comes in “cakes” filled with seeds, sometimes nuts and berries, and is mixed with fat. Northern flickers, hairy and downy woodpeckers, and chickadees really love suet.
Remember to regularly clean your bird feeders to keep your bird friends healthy. I also want to mention that we avoid choosing platform feeders where birds stand on the seeds. That will reduce the chance of disease issues.
There are plenty of birds that subsist on insects. Fortunately, we have plenty to spare due to having a large garden and varied landscape surrounding our home.
I mentioned how we planted native shrubs with berries. American Cranberry Bush (Viburnum trilobum) is one of the best for attracting birds. We’ve found that Cedar and Bohemian waxwings are drawn to those berries like magnets during the colder months of the year.
Other good berry or fruit producers include serviceberries, snowberries, red Osier dogwood, crabapple, golden currants and hawthorn.
The next priority was to provide sources of water for birds to both drink and bathe in. We have a couple of birdbaths, one of which is heated for wintertime drinking and bathing. There’s also a small pond and a large pond complete with a waterfall. The sound of splashing water really draws in the birds. The following video shows how much they love a heated birdbath on a sunny winter’s day:
I want to quickly address the issue of heated birdbaths. I’ve occasionally gotten comments about how bathing in the winter will freeze their feathers and kill the birds. While I understand those concerns, birds need to bathe year-round in order to stay healthy. If we didn’t make birdbaths available during the winter, you can bet they’d be bathing in a river or stream. They know when the temperature is right. I can assure you that Bill and I love birds and would never present them with something that would cause them harm.
No matter how you supply water, be sure to scrub out the algae and other debris on a regular basis.
Housing is the last but certainly not least important need to address. Some types of birds will roost and nest in dense trees and shrubs. But many others appreciate birdhouses with openings just large enough for them to get through. The hole shouldn’t be so large that a predator could get in as well.
Bill and I have enjoyed building our birdhouses, especially during the winter. We call them our “cabin fever projects.” On Cornell’s All About Birds website, they have an excellent infographic that covers the features of a good birdhouse. That way, you know exactly the right size openings for the species you want to accommodate. You’ll also learn the correct dimensions to use and where to install the birdhouse.
I’ve written about attracting birds to the garden in my columns for Sunday edition of The Spokesman-Review newspaper. Here are links to two of them:
I’ve also written a blog post about attracting hummingbirds, which we all want to do, right?
I hope all of this information will get you started on a lifelong adventure of watching birds in your garden!