Video: Prune Raspberries

prune raspberries, Fall Gold

It’s time for my next video and this one was designed to help you prune raspberries with confidence! In it, you’ll learn the difference between primocanes and floricanes. Even more importantly, the difference between summer-bearing and ever-bearing raspberries. Once you understand all of that, you should be able to prune any type of raspberry. Every now and then, readers tell […]

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Sept. 20 Column: New Gardeners

new gardeners

I’ve said this before but it bears repeating. The one good thing about the pandemic has been the surge of interest in growing vegetables. Thank heavens for a silver lining, right? In my garden column today, I write about the challenges new gardeners have faced this year. You can read about this in The Spokesman-Review: New vegetable gardeners share triumphs […]

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