Column: Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium

Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium

If you are going stir-crazy while waiting for spring to get here, have I got a solution for you! Attend the virtual Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium. This popular annual event is put on by the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County. Since it’s virtual this year, you can watch the presentations no matter where you live! The theme of this […]

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Podcast News

The Urban Garden, bookshelf

Ever since my new book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook, was released on February 7, my schedule has been crazy! I wanted to let you know about the podcasts that I’ve either been a guest on or my book has been discussed. Here’s the line-up: The Joe Gardener Show with host Joe Lamp’l. I was delighted to be on […]

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Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium

Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium, showy milkweed

If you haven’t heard of the Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium, you are in for a treat! This annual event is put on by the Master Gardener Foundation of Spokane County. It will be virtual again this year so you can reap the benefits of it no matter where you live! This year’s theme is “Sustainable & Resilient Gardens,” which is […]

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