May 23 Column: Water Conservation

water conservation

For this week’s column, I wrote about water conservation in the garden. You can read it in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Practice water conservation in your landscape. (or you can read the text of my column at the bottom of this post) Here in Spokane, Wash., we’ve been experiencing a very dry spring which is unusual for us. That […]

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Spring Gardening Classes

English Gardens Tour, Wisley Gardens

For the past year, the events calendar on this website has been looking pretty pathetic. That’s because nearly every event has had to be canceled, courtesy of the pandemic. Well, things are looking up because there’s a great line-up of Spring Gardening Classes that will be put on by the Spokane County Master Gardeners! Hooray! Each class will be held […]

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Planting Cover Crops

cover crops

If there’s something I hate to see in my garden, it’s an idle bed. If there isn’t a crop growing and producing in it, something should be improving the soil fertility in that bed. Cover crops will do exactly that. Each time a crop is finished, I like to replace it with one of them. What are cover crops? They […]

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