March 13 column: Vegetable seeds

When planting vegetable seeds, there are some that should be sown directly into the garden and others that do better when started indoors first. But which is which? In my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review, I take the mystery out of sowing seeds and am hoping you’ll find it really helpful. Here is a link to it: Different […]

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Starting Tomatoes from Seed

Epic Tomatoes

If you live in a northern climate, I hope you haven’t planted your tomatoes from seed yet! Yes, it’s easy to get excited but it’s still too early. I used to start my tomato seeds indoors in early February. I figured the plants need to be large and robust before planting them out into the garden in mid-May. I quickly […]

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Sept. 6 column: Saving seeds

Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Saving seeds an easy way to save money. (or you can read my column lower in this post) This one is about a topic I’m very excited about. It’s a valuable skills all gardeners should have although I’m embarrassed to say it’s not something I’ve had much […]

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March 9 column: Seed catalogs

Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Explore seed catalogs for veggie varieties. (you can also read my column lower in this post.) As you know, we gardeners receive plenty of seed catalogs in the mail that inspire us to purchase seeds for the coming year’s garden. Today’s column is about some of the […]

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