Microgreens update


I’ve been growing microgreens for the first time this winter. It’s so much fun and a great way to eat healthy greens that I’ve grown myself indoors. I wanted to give you an update to hear what I’ve learned since the last time I wrote about this. But first, in case you’re sitting there saying, “microgreens? What in the world […]

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A new twist on planting onions

I just learned something intriguing about planting onions and wanted to share it with you. As you know, you can grow onions from seeds, sets (little bulbs) and from plant starts. For years, I used onion sets but had mediocre results with them. The bulb size was small and their overall plant vigor was lacking. Several years ago, I was […]

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Growing microgreens update


On Dec. 9, I wrote a blog post about growing microgreens. It also included a video on how to accomplish this. As a quick recap, microgreens are young seedlings that you harvest once they’ve developed their first true leaves. I live in a Northern climate where growing salad greens like lettuce year-round is virtually impossible. So growing microgreens seemed like […]

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How to Grow Microgreens


When you live in a climate with cold winters, it’s pretty darned tricky growing veggies year round. If you’ve been following me, you know I grow some very cold-tolerant vegetable crops in a hoop house during the winter months. But this winter, I’m also trying something for the first time: growing microgreens! You’ve probably heard of folks sprouting seeds, where […]

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Seed Orientation tip

It won’t be long before we plant our warm-season crops so I wanted to make sure you saw this video to help you get excellent germination rates. It’s all about proper seed orientation. What’s that, you say? Well, there are certain irregularly-shaped seeds that will germinate more successfully if they are planted in the correct direction. The types of seeds I’m […]

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