2019 Seed Summit

The 2019 Seed Summit was a roaring success. What, you never heard about it? That’s because it’s an annual event I hold with my best gardening buddies each January. We gave it a name a few years ago. And we also like to joke that the flags were raised and delegates were in attendance! (except we were missing 3 delegates […]

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Seed-Starting Terminology

seed-starting, stratification

I recently wrote about using “vernalization” for starting artichoke seeds. There are two other seed-starting terms that you might find both interesting and useful. Those are stratification and scarification and they apply to the seeds of different plants. I thought it might be helpful to define and elaborate on all three terms here. That way, so everything is together in […]

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Growing Productive Artichokes


Do you grow artichokes in your garden? I’ve been growing them for quite a few years now and have noticed that the plants can vary widely in productivity.  Here in Spokane, Wash., which is in USDA zones 5 and 6, artichokes need to be grown as annuals. Each year, I start the seeds indoors around the first of March. I […]

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Sept. 17 Column: How to Grow Microgreens

how to grow microgreens

I’ve been looking forward to writing today’s column because it’s all about how to grow microgreens. What, you haven’t heard of them? Or you’ve heard the term but didn’t know what they’re all about? My column will hopefully get you excited about embarking on a new phase of gardening! Here’s a link to it: Microgreens keep harvests going during winter. […]

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The Great Pumpkin-Growing Competition

pumpkin-growing competition

The gloves are off! In February, a longtime friend of mine sent me a bag of pumpkin seeds. Corinne lives inland from San Diego and she doesn’t consider herself to be a gardener. And yet, she decided it would be fun to have a pumpkin-growing competition with me. Now these seeds aren’t just any old pumpkin seeds, mind you. My […]

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