Growing Microgreens Refresher

growing microgreens refresher

I’veI finally set up a grow light so I could start growing microgreens for the winter. What? You haven’t heard of microgreens or vaguely recall my mentioning this last winter? I think a “growing microgreens refresher” is in order! Put simply, this involves thickly sowing vegetable or herb seeds. You harvest them as very young seedlings (usually with just a […]

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Tomato Seedling Size

tomato seedling

Take a look at this tomato seedling. I just planted it in the garden yesterday and am very pleased with the shape it’s in. I’m not posting this to brag. But, in my humble opinion, this is absolutely the perfect size tomato seedling for transplanting. You might recall that I mentioned a few weeks ago when I plant my tomato […]

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