Video: My Top Tips for Garden Success

garden success, basil

I’ve been very excited to shoot this week’s video because it’s a topic near and dear to my heart. My lifelong goal has been to help you grow bountiful vegetable gardens. In the video, you’ll learn my most important tips for garden success. If you’re curious about the photo to the left, that is a ‘Sweet Jade’ Kabocha winter squash. […]

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Video: Garden Success with GreenStalk Vertical Planters

GreenStalk Vertical Planters, zinnias

This year, I’m going to grow vegetables and flowers in two GreenStalk Vertical Planters. And I shot a video of the process just for you! Gardening in containers can be challenging at times. Fortunately, GreenStalks are well-designed and their automatic watering system is such a game-changer! The watering system came out last year and is very easy to put together. […]

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