Update on growing cherries organically

I wanted to do a follow-up to my July 13 post (“Keeping the birds out of the cherries“). That way, you’ll know how things are going. You’ll recall I recently purchased some 2″-wide holographic bird scare ribbon. They’re my attempt to keep birds away from the ripening cherries. Well, it has worked great! It hasn’t completely kept the robins out of […]

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Keeping the birds out of the cherries

Don’t you just love fresh cherries this time of year? I’m crazy about them but, unfortunately, so are the robins, magpies, starlings and sparrows. We have 5 cherry trees and it’s a battle to get any amount of fruit off of them. A couple of years ago, we tried an experiment of covering the trees with huge sheets of floating […]

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June 8 column: Containers

Calibrachoa ‘Watermelon’ Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: For pots with impact, go for thrill, fill and spill. (or you can read my column lower in this post.) As you can probably guess by the headline, it’s about containers and choosing some wonderful annuals to use in them. Even though I have a […]

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April 20 column: Winter squash

Happy Easter! Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: With proper care, winter squash thrive. It’s all about growing winter squash and pumpkins. (you can also read my column below) Last year, I really got ours off to a great start by starting them early indoors. Then I covered the soil in their bed […]

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Growing leeks

Fear not: those wimpy seedlings will grow into these big leeks! (Note: I think this post needs a subtitle of “How to torture your leeks.” That is exactly what I’m going to tell you how to do!) If you are growing leeks for the first time this year, congratulations! I’ve grown them off and on for years and just love […]

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Planting onion starts

I wrote about growing onions in my Sunday column. But some extra information about planting onion starts should help. I planted mine today. This is probably the earliest I’ve ever gotten any type of onions in the ground! They are a cool-season crop so I haven’t jumped the gun in that regard. They can’t be planted until the soil can […]

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Growing artichokes

For the past 3 years, I have been growing artichokes. Yes, artichokes, here in the Inland Northwest! I didn’t even realize you could grow them. That is, I bought a couple seedlings on a whim at a Leavenworth, Wash., nursery. Lo and behold, they grew beautifully and what’s even better is that they rewarded my efforts with several artichokes. And […]

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