How to Grow Melons

grow melons, grow cantaloupes

When I first learned how to grow melons many years ago, I had no idea how transformative it would be. You absolutely cannot top the sweet, succulent taste of a fully-ripened melon! They’re not hard to grow once you read through my tips below. Latin Name: Cucumis melo Plant Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Many gardeners with […]

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How to Grow Cucumbers

grow cucumbers

I love to grow cucumbers to use for snacking, in salads, and for making relish. They’re easy to grow as long as you keep them warm and well-watered. Latin Name: Cucumis sativus Plant Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Cucumbers originated in Egypt and have been in cultivation for at least 3,000 years. They are packed with nutrients […]

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How to Grow Cucamelons

grow cucamelons

When you grow cucamelons, you’ll add some extra joy in your garden! They’re fun to grow, prolific and very tasty. Latin Name: Melothria scabra Plant Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Cucamelons look like tiny watermelons and are crunchy with a pleasing hint of lemon. Also known as mouse melons and Mexican sour gherkins, they originated in Mexico […]

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Grow Parsnips

grow parsnips

It’s been many years since I first started to grow parsnips. Frankly, I was a little suspicious of those things that aren’t very commonly grown. I soon discovered they have a wonderful flavor and add a lot to dishes. Give them a try! Latin Name: Pastinaca sativa Plant Family: Carrot (Apiaceae) Cool-season crop Did You Know? Parsnips look like white […]

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Grow Celery

grow celery

Do you think it’s crazy to grow celery? Find out why it’s much more practical, instead of relying on store-bought celery! Latin Name: Apium graveolens Plant Family: Carrot (Apiaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Not many gardeners think to grow celery in their garden. That’s because it’s so easy to pick up at the grocery store. But if you’re like […]

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How to Grow Turnips

grow turnips

Would you like to grow turnips? In addition to the traditional kinds, I’ve also grown small sweet turnips. They are delicious! Latin Name: Brassica rapa ssp. rapa Plant Family: Brassica (Brassicaceae) Cool-season crop Did You Know? Turnips have been cultivated for centuries, primarily for human consumption. Six hundred years ago, they were fed to livestock to fatten them up. They […]

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How to Grow Kale

grow kale

I grow kale primarily because it’s so healthy to eat, but it’s also a beautiful plant. There are so many amazing varieties, with curled or smooth leaves. Latin Name: Brassica oleracea var. acephala Plant Family: Brassica (Brassicaceae) Cool-season crop Did You Know? In the past decade or so, kale has become the darling of the health food world. It’s considered […]

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How to Grow Cauliflower

As you’ll soon see, I can’t grow cauliflower due to our very hot and dry summers. But this tasty crop grows well in so many regions! Latin Name: Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Plant Family: Brassica (Brassicaceae) Cool-season crop Did You Know? The earliest documented records of cauliflower cultivation date back to the 6th century B.C. Three-quarters of the world’s cauliflower […]

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