Amaryllis After-Care

OK, so your Amaryllis (a.k.a. Hippeastrum) bulb has bloomed. Now what? Don’t throw it in the trash or the compost bin! With a little care, they can bloom again for you next year. Every winter, I love growing these amazing bulbs. Why? It makes me feel like I’m gardening while the snow is flying outside. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous […]

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Time to Pot Up Geraniums!


If you overwintered your geraniums using my method of knocking the soil off the roots and storing them in a bag or box, it’s time to pot them up again. I don’t know about you, but that’s exciting because it means spring really is coming! I just potted up mine and had fairly good results from the overwintering process. There […]

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Failures Lead to Successes!

raised bed gardening

Have you ever noticed how we humans tend to focus on the things we have done wrong? Yet we neglect than all of the things we’ve done right? Well, we gardeners are no exception. We often fixate on our “failures” rather than learning from them, which ultimately leads to success in our gardens. As a garden writer, I often hear […]

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