When to Clean Up Bulb Foliage

bulb foliage, tulips

We gardeners do love our glorious spring bulbs, don’t we? And once they’ve finished blooming, we do love a tidy flower bed, too. But before you remove any bulb foliage, read this: While you might not realize this, those leaves are busily putting energy into the bulbs for next year’s bloom. You certainly wouldn’t want to jeopardize that, would you? […]

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May 19 Column: Pollinator Garden

pollinator garden, sneezeweed, helenium

I’ve been really excited about writing this week’s column and even more so about making our very own pollinator garden. It’s something we’ve been thinking about for the past few years and are finally doing this spring. Here’s a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Create an oasis for pollinators. Or you can read my column […]

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Tips for Growing Cabbage Family Crops

growing cabbage family crops, broccoli

Most gardeners know that when it comes to growing cabbage family crops, insects are likely part of the package. In my garden, these crops are susceptible to slugs, aphids, cabbage worms and sometimes even pillbugs. Talk about your bug magnets, eh? Members of the cabbage family (a.k.a. cole crops or Brassicas) include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale). Whenever […]

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Hardening-off Plants is Important!

hardening-off plants

This is your friendly reminder about the importance of hardening-off plants before setting them out in your garden. It only applies to plants you started indoors from seed or any plants that have never been exposed to “real” sunlight. Why is hardening-off plants so important? Well, if you think about it, the amount of light you provided your newly-started seedlings […]

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