Video: Grow Microgreens


Do you know how to grow microgreens? Or, perhaps I should ask first, do you know what microgreens are? Both are the topic of my newest video, which you can view below. To grow microgreens, you thickly sow seeds (usually vegetable or herb seeds) and harvest the young seedlings when they’re quite young. What’s the point? The goal is to […]

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Book Review: Growing Under Cover

Growing Under Cover by Niki Jabbour (Storey Publishing, 216 pp., 2020, $24.95) by Susan Mulvihill I’ve known for several months that Niki Jabbour’s new book, Growing Under Cover, would be coming out in December 2020 and have been so excited to read it! I’m a huge fan of hers: she lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she gardens year-round despite […]

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Video: Prune Raspberries

prune raspberries, Fall Gold

It’s time for my next video and this one was designed to help you prune raspberries with confidence! In it, you’ll learn the difference between primocanes and floricanes. Even more importantly, the difference between summer-bearing and ever-bearing raspberries. Once you understand all of that, you should be able to prune any type of raspberry. Every now and then, readers tell […]

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