How to Grow Watermelons

grow watermelons, Ali Baba

Do you want to grow watermelons, but you have a shorter growing season? There are varieties that ripen in a shorter amount of time. Latin Name: Citrullis lanatus Plant Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Eating a big, juicy slice of watermelon is the quintessential summertime experience. It used to be that only gardeners with long growing seasons […]

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How to Grow Melons

grow melons, grow cantaloupes

When I first learned how to grow melons many years ago, I had no idea how transformative it would be. You absolutely cannot top the sweet, succulent taste of a fully-ripened melon! They’re not hard to grow once you read through my tips below. Latin Name: Cucumis melo Plant Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae) Warm-season crop Did You Know? Many gardeners with […]

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Video: Pruning Tips for Trees, Shrubs, Roses & Blueberries

pruning tips

Did you know that spring is a great time for pruning? In this week’s video, I share all sorts of pruning tips for trees (esp. fruit trees), flowering shrubs, roses and blueberry plants. You’ll learn how to prune properly and avoid common mistakes. Pruning can seem daunting at times but once you know the basics, you’ll do great. Main pruning […]

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Column: Thwarting Birds


I suppose the title to today’s post might shock you because you probably know I’m an avid birdwatcher. But I take issue when birds think it’s perfectly fine to take bites out of our cherries, raspberries, and blueberries. How can Bill and I thwart the birds but still be on a friendly basis with them? Well, that’s exactly what you’ll […]

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