Amaryllis After-Care

OK, so your Amaryllis (a.k.a. Hippeastrum) bulb has bloomed. Now what? Don’t throw it in the trash or the compost bin! With a little care, they can bloom again for you next year. Every winter, I love growing these amazing bulbs. Why? It makes me feel like I’m gardening while the snow is flying outside. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous […]

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Amaryllis vs. Hippeastrum

Amaryllis, Hippeastrum

Do you enjoy growing Amaryllis bulbs? Those are the popular bulbs that are usually sold during the fall months for growing indoors over the winter months. Their flowers are huge and gorgeous. But what if I told you they’re not Amaryllis but Hippeastrum instead? Say what?! Yup, all these years, we’ve been calling them by the wrong name. There are […]

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Spring Flowers: Yellow in the Garden

Euphorbia polychroma, spring flowers

In the early spring, we can’t wait to see some color, right? I’ve been noticing how much the yellow-flowering plants really brighten up my garden, especially on the dreary, rainy days we’ve been having. And that got me to thinking how nice it would be to chronicle the parade of spring flowers. So today, we’re going to focus on yellow. Note […]

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