Video: Garden Success with GreenStalk Vertical Planters

GreenStalk Vertical Planters, zinnias

This year, I’m going to grow vegetables and flowers in two GreenStalk Vertical Planters. And I shot a video of the process just for you! Gardening in containers can be challenging at times. Fortunately, GreenStalks are well-designed and their automatic watering system is such a game-changer! The watering system came out last year and is very easy to put together. […]

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Video: Late Season Garden Tasks

garden tasks, leaves

When the weather gets colder in the fall, it’s easy to think the garden season is over and you can head indoors. Not so fast! In this week’s video, I take you along while I handle some important late season garden tasks. I’ll be bringing delicate garden art and glass rain gauges indoors so they won’t break from the freeze-thaw […]

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May 22 Column: Adaptive Gardening

adaptive gardening

If you’re not familiar with the term “adaptive gardening,” it refers to the use of specialized tools or methods so a person can garden more comfortably and safely. If you’re picturing elderly gardeners, be aware that this concept can help folks with injuries or other physical limitations at any stage of their life. Adaptive gardening is the topic of my […]

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