July 17 column: Vegetable garden update

vegetable garden update, onions

I can’t believe how quickly this summer is zipping by! Since it’s Sunday, it’s time for another of my garden columns. This one is a vegetable garden update: Wacky weather causing confusion for crops. (or you can read my column lower in this post) In it, I discuss how most of the veggies are growing. In general, everything is doing […]

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July 10 column: Succulents

Oh how I love succulents! They are the coolest and toughest plants around. They are incredibly popular these days because lots of folks have come up with creative containers to plant them in. My column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review is about this very topic: For low-water performers, give succulents a try. (or you can read it below) In […]

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Hummingbird bathtime


Just in case you aren’t on Facebook, I wanted to share this video with you. I think it is such an amazing thing to witness: a hummingbird taking a bath on a peony leaf! You don’t see that every day, do you? So here’s how it came about: A few days ago, my husband Bill and I decided to talk […]

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Vegetable garden tour #2

vegetable garden tour, cantaloupe, Insect ID

About 3 weeks ago, I took you on a tour of my vegetable garden. Now that we’re at the end of June, I thought you might like to see how it’s coming along. Here is the “official” vegetable garden tour #2! I wanted to make a correction on something I said in my video. When I talked about the ‘Sugar […]

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July 26 column: Heucheras


If it’s Sunday, it must be time for another of my garden columns. This week’s is on two awesome perennials, heucheras and heucherellas. Here’s a link to the column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Heucheras add color in shady places. Or you can read my column below. Many folks know heucheras by their more common name of coral bells. […]

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The Amazing Catbird!

bird photography tips

It’s always exciting when we see new birds visiting our garden. This time, it’s the Gray Catbird. What, you’ve never heard of it before? Well, they really do exist and have quite a large range. In Washington state, they are more likely to be seen east of the Cascade Mountains… which is great since that’s where we live! Catbirds use […]

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Problems with pillbugs

cantaloupe, pillbugs

I love learning new things, but I’m not so happy to learn the following tidbit. Pillbugs aren’t quite as benevolent as they’d like us to believe. Darn. For years, I’ve known that pillbugs are benign critters that primarily feed on decomposing organic matter. So they play a useful role in building soil fertility. However, I now know there’s a Dr. […]

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Vegetable garden tour #1

vegetable garden tour

I have been busy, busy, busy out in our vegetable garden lately! Everything has been planted and is growing well despite the crazy temperature extremes we’ve been experiencing. I thought you might like a vegetable garden tour. We live on 5 acres and have a pretty large garden. We grow just about every vegetable crop imaginable. There are (21) 3’x8′ […]

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