Aug. 7 column: Front yard vegetable gardens

Kathleen Callum, front yard vegetable gardens

Do you ever get tired of the amount of water and time it takes to maintain your lawn? Consider growing a vegetable garden there instead! Front yard vegetable gardens are the topic of my garden column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review. Here’s a link to it: Forget lush lawns — fruits and veggies are this gardener’s growing passion. (or you […]

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July 31 column: Viburnums

One of my favorite shrubs is the Viburnum. They are such great, all-around plants in my garden with so many wonderful attributes: beautiful flowers, some have a lovely fragrance, most produce berries, and they have awesome fall foliage. I mean, what’s not to like about Viburnums? Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Vibrant, […]

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Vegetable garden tour #3

leeks, vegetable garden tour 3

Hi, everyone. This year, I’ve been filming a vegetable garden tour about every 3 weeks so you can see how things are growing. I hope you’ve been enjoying these videos. I’m always amazed by the transformation that takes place in a garden each growing season. Plants that were puny in early spring are suddenly thriving and bearing fruit. Little problems […]

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Bring on the beneficial insects!

As you know, one of my favorite gardening topics is attracting beneficial insects. My husband Bill and I recently discovered a whole bunch of ladybugs on our hops vines. And boy, were they busily dispatching aphids. It brought an important point to mind: I love Jessica Walliser’s excellent book, Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden. She mentioned how she used […]

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