Powdery mildew explained

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of those annoying plant problems that all gardeners experience at one time or another. I often see it on my squash plants, phlox, bee balm and zinnias. The top photo is of a severe problem in my pumpkin patch a few years ago. No, that isn’t a rare pumpkin variety that has white leaves! The photo […]

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Garden Travels: Butterflies of Georgia


Who loves butterflies?! I would guess everyone thrills to see them in their garden. While touring our way through Georgia recently, I saw all sorts of beauties and enjoyed photographing them. That is, when they’d hold still long enough! I thought you’d enjoy seeing some of the butterflies of Georgia in this post. This beautiful orange-and-black butterfly (photo to left) is […]

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Garden Travels: Savannah Botanical Garden

I’m continuing with tales of our recent two-week trip to Georgia. Wait till you see this beautiful small garden that Bill and I visited. It’s the Savannah Area Council of Garden Clubs Botanical Garden. And yes, that’s a mouthful, but what a gem it was! Garden history This 10-acre garden is the collaborative effort of Savannah-area garden clubs and admission […]

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‘Big Zac’ tomato report

Way back in May, I reported on my Facebook page how I’d succumbed to temptation. What did I do? I purchased a ‘Big Zac’ tomato plant while working at the Master Gardener plant sale. Even though I already had plenty of tomato plants started from seed, I just couldn’t resist. What’s so special about ‘Big Zac’? Well, when I read that […]

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Paste tomatoes: A comparison

paste tomatoes

Every year, I grow one or two varieties of paste tomatoes for making sauce, ketchup and salsa. Why paste tomatoes? They typically are meatier types that cook down fairly quickly. That’s because they don’t have as much juice as a regular slicing tomato. For the last several years, ‘Italian Pompeii’ (center of top photo) has been my go-to paste tomato. […]

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