Growing microgreens update


On Dec. 9, I wrote a blog post about growing microgreens. It also included a video on how to accomplish this. As a quick recap, microgreens are young seedlings that you harvest once they’ve developed their first true leaves. I live in a Northern climate where growing salad greens like lettuce year-round is virtually impossible. So growing microgreens seemed like […]

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How to Grow Microgreens


When you live in a climate with cold winters, it’s pretty darned tricky growing veggies year round. If you’ve been following me, you know I grow some very cold-tolerant vegetable crops in a hoop house during the winter months. But this winter, I’m also trying something for the first time: growing microgreens! You’ve probably heard of folks sprouting seeds, where […]

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Overwintering Geraniums – update

overwintering geraniums

For the past couple of years, I’ve been overwintering geraniums. I used to toss the plants onto the compost pile at the end of the garden season. I’ve always hated wasting them and soon discovered they’re not all that difficult to overwinter. Hooray! You might recall that I’ve filmed some videos on overwintering geraniums, which have been really popular. I […]

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Ornamental grasses add texture to the landscape

Ornamental grasses

How do you feel about ornamental grasses? I’ve liked their look for ages but feel I’ve really slighted them in my landscape. I guess I naturally tend to gravitate more toward flowers. But after visiting Manito Park’s Joel Ferris Perennial Gardens this fall, I’m all fired up about adding more to my garden! After all, they’re easy to care for, add […]

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How to Plant Fall Bulbs

plant fall bulbs, column, tulips

Do you enjoy seeing tulips and daffodils in the spring? I’m sure you do and I’m right there with you. They’re always such a wonderful sight, especially after a long winter. If you’re wondering how to plant fall bulbs, you’re in luck. I just finished putting together a video on bulb-planting tips so you will have the most success. Sure, […]

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Glorious Dahlias!


The day before the first killing frost in the Spokane area, Bill and I headed up to Manito Park. We wanted to admire the last of the blooming dahlias in the test garden. Boy, am I glad we did because they were absolutely gorgeous! Unfortunately, many of them had a number rather than a cultivar name. That could be because […]

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