Microgreens update


I’ve been growing microgreens for the first time this winter. It’s so much fun and a great way to eat healthy greens that I’ve grown myself indoors. I wanted to give you an update to hear what I’ve learned since the last time I wrote about this. But first, in case you’re sitting there saying, “microgreens? What in the world […]

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The importance of water in a pond

The last thing you want to see when looking out the window at your pond, is that it’s nearly empty! But that’s exactly what I discovered recently. Talk about your adrenaline rush. How could this happen, you ask? Well, first we got a whole bunch of snow. Then we had several visits by the “polar vortex.” It was soon impossible […]

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A new twist on planting onions

I just learned something intriguing about planting onions and wanted to share it with you. As you know, you can grow onions from seeds, sets (little bulbs) and from plant starts. For years, I used onion sets but had mediocre results with them. The bulb size was small and their overall plant vigor was lacking. Several years ago, I was […]

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Growing Rosemary from Cuttings

growing rosemary from cuttings

Do you recall how I rescued part of my rosemary plant a couple of months ago? They aren’t hardy enough to grow outdoors year-round here. I ordinarily will dig them up, pot them and move them indoors. Well, I got busy and completely forgot about it. I didn’t help that the plant was huge so not easily dug up. Fortunately, […]

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Moose visit


We recently had some unexpected visitors: 3 moose! A cow moose and her twin yearlings came to see us. Well, they mostly came to nibble on our trees and shrubs. Fortunately, they also let us get some pretty good looks at them, while keeping to a safe distance, of course. Bill and I have been noticing that we don’t see […]

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Fabulous houseplants: Calathea rufibarba

Ever on the lookout for awesome houseplants, I’m always tickled when I find one that consistently performs well in our home. And that happens to be Calathea rufibarba. I bought mine a couple of years ago from the Plant Farm in Spokane Valley and just love it. This plant has an upright growth habit with long, curvy leaves. But what really […]

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