April 16 Column: Trees


Have you ever taken a moment to admire trees and appreciate all they do for the environment around it? They are pretty amazing. They just happen to be the topic of my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review. Here’s a link to it: Trees give us so much, including beauty, clean air, sustenance. (or you can read my column […]

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Praying Mantis Egg Cases

Praying Mantis

The Praying Mantis is an insect with a voracious appetite. Because of this, it’s always a treat to find them in the garden since I know they’ll help me keep insects in check. While my husband, Bill, was trimming back our large lavender patch, he came across all sorts of Praying Mantis egg cases attached to many of the plants. How cool […]

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Purchasing Compost


I posted some photos on Facebook showing the bulk compost delivery I received yesterday from Home Fires Nursery in Spokane. That has prompted several concerned comments from readers about the safety of the compost. I decided to write a blog post to address those concerns. If you live in another area of the country, this information should prove helpful to […]

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Take a Liking to Lichens!

Take a close look at this photo. What you’re seeing on the branches of my apple tree are colonies of lichens. You may have noticed them in my latest video on spring pruning. You might already be familiar with it. However, lichens can alarm many new gardeners and homeowners. They are concerned that some sort of disease has attacked their […]

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