June 18 Column: Rose Show

rose show, Purple Splash, Kids in the Garden

I am certain the most beloved of all garden flowers is the rose. And that’s not surprising, considering how beautiful and fragrant they are. Roses will be in the spotlight on Saturday (June 24) because the Spokane Rose Society will be putting on their 70th (!) rose show. It will be held at Northland Rosarium from noon to 4 p.m. […]

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Those Darned Pillbugs!


I think I’m going to have to eat crow… or something along those lines! Last June, I wrote about pillbugs in a blog post. In it, I talked about their reputation for munching on the stems of young Cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, squash, and pumpkins). This occurs while they’re at their most tender stage. Pillbugs also have a benign role of helping […]

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Spring Flowers: Yellow in the Garden

Euphorbia polychroma, spring flowers

In the early spring, we can’t wait to see some color, right? I’ve been noticing how much the yellow-flowering plants really brighten up my garden, especially on the dreary, rainy days we’ve been having. And that got me to thinking how nice it would be to chronicle the parade of spring flowers. So today, we’re going to focus on yellow. Note […]

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