Song Sparrow Video

When I conducted my reader survey a few months ago, I learned that many of you aren’t Facebook users. I’ve been trying to do a good job of also posting items on my blog. (I hope you have perhaps noticed there are more blog posts these days!) I recently shot a short video on a song sparrow and wanted to […]

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Time to Pot Up Geraniums!


If you overwintered your geraniums using my method of knocking the soil off the roots and storing them in a bag or box, it’s time to pot them up again. I don’t know about you, but that’s exciting because it means spring really is coming! I just potted up mine and had fairly good results from the overwintering process. There […]

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Seed-Starting Terminology

seed-starting, stratification

I recently wrote about using “vernalization” for starting artichoke seeds. There are two other seed-starting terms that you might find both interesting and useful. Those are stratification and scarification and they apply to the seeds of different plants. I thought it might be helpful to define and elaborate on all three terms here. That way, so everything is together in […]

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Growing Productive Artichokes


Do you grow artichokes in your garden? I’ve been growing them for quite a few years now and have noticed that the plants can vary widely in productivity.  Here in Spokane, Wash., which is in USDA zones 5 and 6, artichokes need to be grown as annuals. Each year, I start the seeds indoors around the first of March. I […]

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