Book Review: Deer-Resistant Design

Murder at Manito, book review

Deer-Resistant Design by Karen Chapman (Timber Press, 2019, 240 pp., $24.95) It’s widely known that the most successful method for keeping deer out of the garden is a tall fence. But fences aren’t always an option, or even desirable. As a matter of fact, the subtitle for Karen Chapman’s newest book, Deer-Resistant Design, is definitely eye-catching. It’s certain to attract […]

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When Moose Come Calling

delphinium, moose

You probably saw a recent Facebook post of mine, in which I shared a photo of some beautiful delphiniums. The point was to explain that delphiniums will rebloom if you deadhead the previous flower stalks right away. The next morning, I discovered a moose had also admired them… and, may I add, very closely. Sigh. It’s true that deer (and […]

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Deer Fencing

deer fencing

I’m often asked how to keep deer out of the garden. And folks specifically want to know how my husband Bill and I keep them out of OUR garden. Our deer fencing is usually difficult to see under normal conditions. But it sure is obvious when it’s covered in hoarfrost! When I looked out my front window yesterday, I realized […]

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Garden for Wildlife

Garden for Wildlife, oceanspray

As you’ve landscaped your yard and garden, have you kept birds and other critters in mind? That has been first and foremost on my mind over the years. I thought I would discuss how to garden for wildlife today. In this post, I’ll explain what we’ve done in our own landscape. You’ll also learn how to get your garden listed […]

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