Natural holiday decor, part 1

Yesterday, I got together with several friends to make decorative holiday decor items using natural materials from our gardens. We made wreaths, centerpieces, candle arrangements, gifts and so on. If you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you know that I bring up this topic each year. That’s because it is my hope you will get inspired to […]

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Natural holiday decor, part 2

Here are more of the photos I took while my friends and I were making decorative holiday decor items for our homes and for gifts, using natural materials from our gardens: Two wreaths using non-traditional color themes with pretty accents and ornaments. I made this for a gift for some friends. This is a swag one of my friends made, […]

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Birds in the Garden: Sharp-shinned Hawk

Look what visited our garden this weekend! You are looking at a female Sharp-Shinned hawk. They are the smallest hawks that fly into our yard this time of year. Since we have a bird-feeding station, there are lot of birds flying around which attracts the attention of these hawks as well as Coopers’ hawks and Goshawks. All of them eat […]

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Clever ideas: Garden trellises

I went on the Spokane in Bloom garden tour a couple of weekends ago. There were some clever ideas that involved garden trellises and I wanted to share with you. The first idea was rose arbors that had been anchored inside of raised beds (see top photo). As you can see, they were just gorgeous and very popular with garden visitors […]

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