Aug. 7 column: Front yard vegetable gardens

Kathleen Callum, front yard vegetable gardens

Do you ever get tired of the amount of water and time it takes to maintain your lawn? Consider growing a vegetable garden there instead! Front yard vegetable gardens are the topic of my garden column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review. Here’s a link to it: Forget lush lawns — fruits and veggies are this gardener’s growing passion. (or you […]

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July 31 column: Viburnums

One of my favorite shrubs is the Viburnum. They are such great, all-around plants in my garden with so many wonderful attributes: beautiful flowers, some have a lovely fragrance, most produce berries, and they have awesome fall foliage. I mean, what’s not to like about Viburnums? Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Vibrant, […]

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Vegetable garden tour #3

leeks, vegetable garden tour 3

Hi, everyone. This year, I’ve been filming a vegetable garden tour about every 3 weeks so you can see how things are growing. I hope you’ve been enjoying these videos. I’m always amazed by the transformation that takes place in a garden each growing season. Plants that were puny in early spring are suddenly thriving and bearing fruit. Little problems […]

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Bring on the beneficial insects!

As you know, one of my favorite gardening topics is attracting beneficial insects. My husband Bill and I recently discovered a whole bunch of ladybugs on our hops vines. And boy, were they busily dispatching aphids. It brought an important point to mind: I love Jessica Walliser’s excellent book, Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden. She mentioned how she used […]

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July 17 column: Vegetable garden update

vegetable garden update, onions

I can’t believe how quickly this summer is zipping by! Since it’s Sunday, it’s time for another of my garden columns. This one is a vegetable garden update: Wacky weather causing confusion for crops. (or you can read my column lower in this post) In it, I discuss how most of the veggies are growing. In general, everything is doing […]

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July 10 column: Succulents

Oh how I love succulents! They are the coolest and toughest plants around. They are incredibly popular these days because lots of folks have come up with creative containers to plant them in. My column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review is about this very topic: For low-water performers, give succulents a try. (or you can read it below) In […]

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Hummingbird bathtime


Just in case you aren’t on Facebook, I wanted to share this video with you. I think it is such an amazing thing to witness: a hummingbird taking a bath on a peony leaf! You don’t see that every day, do you? So here’s how it came about: A few days ago, my husband Bill and I decided to talk […]

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