How to Make Grape Juice

My husband, Bill, and I grow three kinds of grapes: ‘Canadice’, ‘Glenora’ and ‘Vanessa’. The first to ripen is ‘Glenora’. Sometimes we use the grapes for jelly and oftentimes we make grape juice. Doing the latter is very simple, especially if you have a steamer/juicer. Step by step: 1. Pick the grape clusters, leaving them on the stems. 2. Wash […]

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California Quail papa and babies

On Thursday evening, we had quite the downpour. While we were tickled to get the moisture, it’s not such great news for baby California quail. They have very little protection from the elements when they’re little. That means they have to rely on their parents to keep them warm. While eating my breakfast yesterday, I glanced out the sliding glass […]

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Vegetable garden tour #4

potato, vegetable garden tour

This summer, I’ve been taking you along on a vegetable garden tour about every 3 weeks. I can scarcely believe we’re at the end of August already. You’re going to see some changes in my garden for this 4th tour. Here we are, with September just around the corner. I’m really starting to focus on harvesting as many crops in the […]

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