Snow Mold on Lawns

Here in the Inland Northwest, we’ve been buried under a heavy blanket of snow for months. It’s wonderful for insulating our plants against bitterly cold winter temperatures. But it can cause an interesting (and annoying) problem that most of us will likely see. Once the snow has melted from our lawns, we’ll discover snow mold. That’s the weird stuff you’re […]

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March 5 Feature Story: Phyllis Stephens


It was a tremendous pleasure for me to interview and write a feature story about Phyllis Stephens. She is Spokane’s famous garden guru! This article ran on the cover of The Spokesman-Review’s “Today” section. Here’s a link to it: Phyllis Stephens has answered Spokane’s gardening questions for decades. Even though the article was one of the longest I’d ever written, […]

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Northwest Flower and Garden Show: Report #2

One of the highlights of the Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle is walking through the amazing display gardens. These beautiful, inspiring, finished gardens have all been created inside a concrete-floored convention center. And in a short period of time, at that. We gardeners we can all appreciate that feat, right? Awesome garden from Farmer Frog This year, a favorite […]

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Microgreens update


I’ve been growing microgreens for the first time this winter. It’s so much fun and a great way to eat healthy greens that I’ve grown myself indoors. I wanted to give you an update to hear what I’ve learned since the last time I wrote about this. But first, in case you’re sitting there saying, “microgreens? What in the world […]

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The importance of water in a pond

The last thing you want to see when looking out the window at your pond, is that it’s nearly empty! But that’s exactly what I discovered recently. Talk about your adrenaline rush. How could this happen, you ask? Well, first we got a whole bunch of snow. Then we had several visits by the “polar vortex.” It was soon impossible […]

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