Travel Stories: Gardens of England

Sissinghurst, Gardens of England

Today’s a two-fer! Not only is my garden column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review, but there’s also my Travel article on our recent trip to England. In it, I share my experiences while visiting several wonderful gardens along with a tip on how to get in as many gardens as possible without having to pay admissions fees! Here’s a […]

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It’s Garlic Harvest Time

garlic harvest

Garlic harvest time is always a nice milestone during the growing season. It’s a crop that you plant in the fall and harvest the next summer. My husband Bill is the garlic expert in our household. He’s been growing it for years and has agreed to let me share some of his tips. That’s Bill in the photo to the […]

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The Great Pumpkin-Growing Competition

pumpkin-growing competition

The gloves are off! In February, a longtime friend of mine sent me a bag of pumpkin seeds. Corinne lives inland from San Diego and she doesn’t consider herself to be a gardener. And yet, she decided it would be fun to have a pumpkin-growing competition with me. Now these seeds aren’t just any old pumpkin seeds, mind you. My […]

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