Travel: Chicago’s Lurie Garden

Lurie Garden, Chicago

I was in Chicago recently for the garden writers conference. In addition to networking, we have the opportunity to visit amazing public and private gardens. Boy, do we all enjoy that! One public garden that particularly stands out is the Lurie Garden in Millennium Park. Located between Monroe and Randolph Streets, along Michigan Avenue, Lurie Garden is actually a green […]

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This Honeydew Melon is Well Worth Growing

While I fully intend to do a season-end review of the different vegetables I’ve grown, I just can’t wait that long to tell you about the most amazing honeydew melon! The cultivar name is ‘Ha Ogen’ and I purchased the seeds from Botanical Interests. In the past, I’ve grown a lovely honeydew melon that’s called ‘Arava’, and it came from […]

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