July 26 Column: Gardener Profile Marie Cole

Marie Cole

I love seeing other folks’ gardens. Unfortunately, our current situation has really thrown a wrench into my annual routine of profiling local gardeners. You’ve probably been missing them, right? For today’s column, I had the privilege of interviewing Marie Cole. You can read about her unusual garden in The Spokesman-Review: Gardener finds creative ways to deal with willow’s unintended consequences. […]

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July 19 Column: Fertilizer in the Garden

In today’s column, I tackle a controversial subject: using fertilizer in the garden. I am asked about this a lot and there’s no simple answer. Read more about this in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review*: Before using fertilizer, understand what your plants need. So why is fertilizer controversial, you ask? Well, if your plants are growing just fine, there’s no […]

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June 7 Column: Gardener’s World

Gardener's World, watering can

Friday nights are a big deal in the Mulvihill household these days. It’s not because it marks the end of the week. Oh no. On Friday nights, we get to watch the BBC gardening program called “Gardener’s World.” It airs in the U.K. every Friday during the growing season. That’s the topic for this week’s garden column, which you can […]

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