A Note from Susan

autumn leafNov. 27, 2024 _ It’s cold and gloomy here in Spokane, Wash., but that’s good news for holiday travelers.

The 4th video of my new series “You Grew It, What To Do With It!” is now available. The focus is on onions, shallots and garlic. I get a lot of questions about how to store or preserve certain crops and how we use them in cooking. Here’s a link to it.

Have you checked out my Amazon store yet? You’ll find my recommended hand tools, food preservation equipment, garden books (including my own books), seed-starting equipment, organic products and those all important gardener’s must-haves!  You can also learn more about it on my new Shop page on this website. I won’t recommend something that I don’t use! And yes, I do receive a small commission from sales but that won’t impact the price you pay.

I hope you’ve looked at this year’s “Vegetable Garden Report Card.” In it, I rate how each crop performed for us. You can find it under the “Guides” menu (Vegetable Report Card – 2024).

Do you have my book, The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook, yet? It covers exactly what you need to know to be a successful gardener. I address weather-related issues, vegetable disorders and diseases, germination and pollination problems, critters in the garden and much more. To order a signed copy from me, just send an email to Susan@SusansintheGarden.com and I’ll take care of you quickly. If you would prefer to order it directly from Amazon, here is my affiliate link. (I will earn a commission but it won’t affect the price you pay.) Or you can purchase it in my Amazon shop at the link above. Thank you for supporting your friendly author!

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MoleMax Repels Pests

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