How to grow cover crops

I recently planted cover crops in some of my vegetable garden beds that are done producing for the year. So, what are cover crops anyway? They are usually members of the legume or grass families. They’re are planted in idle soil to suppress weeds or maybe to protect soil from erosion. They add nutrients into the soil as well. That […]

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How to freeze beans

Every year I grow a lot of green beans. I usually only grow pole beans (‘Italian Snap’) but am also growing bush beans (‘French filet’ style beans) which have been really productive. I have to admit that I’m a bit of a chicken when it comes to canning low-acid vegetables, which beans are. That’s because of the risk of botulism […]

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Aug. 24 column: Vegetable garden update

Are you’re wondering how my vegetable garden is coming along? You’ll be pleased to know that my column in The Spokesman-Review today is an update on that very topic. Most everything is growing and producing well, but I’ve had a few frustrating setbacks. Take a look: Good summer for vegetables. Or you can read my column below. The photo above […]

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July 20 column: Tomato problems

Here is a link to my column in today’s edition of The Spokesman-Review: Knowing culprit keeps tomato problems in check. (or you can read my column lower in this post.) Since gardeners love to grow tomatoes, and since certain issues can crop up with them, I thought it would be helpful to talk about this today. Hopefully your tomatoes are growing […]

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