‘Big Zac’ tomato report

Way back in May, I reported on my Facebook page how I’d succumbed to temptation. What did I do? I purchased a ‘Big Zac’ tomato plant while working at the Master Gardener plant sale. Even though I already had plenty of tomato plants started from seed, I just couldn’t resist. What’s so special about ‘Big Zac’? Well, when I read that […]

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Paste tomatoes: A comparison

paste tomatoes

Every year, I grow one or two varieties of paste tomatoes for making sauce, ketchup and salsa. Why paste tomatoes? They typically are meatier types that cook down fairly quickly. That’s because they don’t have as much juice as a regular slicing tomato. For the last several years, ‘Italian Pompeii’ (center of top photo) has been my go-to paste tomato. […]

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How to Make Grape Juice

My husband, Bill, and I grow three kinds of grapes: ‘Canadice’, ‘Glenora’ and ‘Vanessa’. The first to ripen is ‘Glenora’. Sometimes we use the grapes for jelly and oftentimes we make grape juice. Doing the latter is very simple, especially if you have a steamer/juicer. Step by step: 1. Pick the grape clusters, leaving them on the stems. 2. Wash […]

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