Book Review: Plant Partners

book review, Plant Partners

Plant Partners: Science-Based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Gardener by Jessica Walliser (Storey Publishing, 2020, 206 pp., $24.95) by Susan Mulvihill Many gardeners are familiar with the concept of companion planting: some plant combinations promote better growth and production while others inhibit these desirable outcomes. Or do they? A long time ago, I read Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise […]

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Video: Seed Starting #3

artichokes, seed starting

Yup, my newest video is on seed starting… again! There’s so much information that I’ve been wanting to share with you. That means I needed to shoot a third video on this very important topic. In this video, I share information on seed treatments ( vernalization, stratification, and scarification). This will help you grow things like artichokes or New Zealand […]

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