Video: Fall Frosts in the Vegetable Garden

fall frosts
fall frosts, pumpkin, winter squash
These are ‘Autumn Frost’ winter squash and a ‘New England Pie’ pumpkin.

Well, I knew our garden would soon be impacted by some fall frosts and that’s exactly what happened. We vegetable gardeners always hate when that happens, right?

And to make matters worse, they occurred while Bill and I were on a 2-week trip in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Fortunately, I had done a lot of harvesting and processing before we left. But our tomato plants were way behind schedule due to our crazy temperature extremes.

I picked a lot of green tomatoes to ripen in our basement. And the great news is that the tomatoes in the garden finished ripening so we really had a bountiful harvest.

That has gone really well, thank goodness! But fall frosts are always bittersweet, don’t you think? I know I hate to start shutting down the garden for the season. But as you might guess, that is the topic of this week’s video.

In it, I share all sorts of tips and information about how fall frosts impact the following crops:

  • Summer squash
  • Swiss chard and beets
  • Broccoli
  • Cover crops
  • Our fall garden
  • Pole beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Winter squash & pumpkins
  • Carrots & parsnips (plus other root crops)

Here’s my video:

I hope you have enjoyed the video and learned a few new tips. If you’d like to watch my other videos, here’s a direct link to my YouTube channel. I also have an index to all of my 2024 videos on this website, so you can pick and choose what you want to watch.

I also wanted to mention that I have a special Preserving the Harvest section on this website. You’ll find all sorts of helpful information about ways to savor the crops you grew for a longer time. I hope you’ll check it out.

In the meantime, don’t let those fall frosts get you down!