Video: Let’s Start Growing Vegetables

It always seems like it takes forever for a new season to begin, doesn’t it? But it’s finally time to start growing vegetables again. Hooray!
That is the topic of my newest video. In it, I’ll share our 2024 garden plan and layout, and discuss the type of soil preparation I like to use. NOTE: As a refresher on choosing the right fertilizers and soil amendments, look for my Fertilizer Basics video underneath my newest video below.
Then you’ll see my husband Bill and I moving our hoop house to a new location. As I mention in the video, we built the hoop house in 2014. To see how it went together, just go to this post on my website.
We also move two hinged raised bed covers to new beds. Those special covers are primarily to keep insects (and the hungry quail in our garden!) away from certain plants. They were one of the DIY projects in my book, The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook, in case you’re curious.
One thing that I forgot to mention is that one of the covers was going over my early lettuce planting, which is currently growing under some plastic cloches to keep them warm. (see above left photo) I should be able to remove the cloches in about a week.
You’ll also get to watch me move our pole bean arbors to a different location in the garden. And finally, Bill and I team up to move our squash arbor. (you’ll see how we safely do that, since those arbors are so strong!)
I hope you’ll enjoy this new video. Stay tuned for next week’s video, which will be about growing carrots, parsnips and beets.
Here is my Fertilizer Basics video to help you choose the right fertilizers and soil amendments for growing different types of vegetable crops: