Video: Winter Sowing

If you haven’t heard of winter sowing, you are in for a treat! After all, who wouldn’t love to plant seeds right now, in the dead of winter, and pull it off?! That’s the topic of my newest video and it is the coolest thing ever… no pun intended!
Winter sowing involves planting seeds outdoors in containers, usually between December and February. The seeds will germinate when conditions are right for them. They won’t have problems with the fungal disease called “damping off” which is deadly to seedlings. And by planting some of your seeds outdoors, you’ll have more room under your grow lights.
On an unrelated note, this is my first video of 2023! Last year, I shot 49 videos so there are plenty more to come. I typically shoot one video per week and release them on Thursdays on my YouTube channel. Apparently, I missed doing 3 videos in 2022, ha ha.
Here’s my video:
Here’s what I’m starting in my containers this year:
Calendula ‘Zeolights’
Gloriosa Daisy ‘Sahara mix’
Kale ‘Red Russian’
Love-in-a-mist ‘Miss Jekyll Blue’
Lupine ‘Pixie Delight’
Onion ‘Copra’
Poppy (Shirley) ‘Mother of Pearl’
Queen Anne’s Lace ‘Dara’
Snapdragon ‘Doubleshot Orange Bicolor’
I chose the above seeds after researching which types work well for winter sowing. I’ve heard that lupine seeds might not transplant well but have also seen them included on the lists, so this will be an experiment! It’s quite easy to lift the block of soil out of the containers and then tease the seedlings apart.
I hope you’ll try winter sowing this year!