Video: Keep Cucumbers Fresh

At the risk of seeming redundant, I need to write one more post about how to keep cucumbers fresh. Why? Here’s the deal:
On Oct. 8, I wrote a Facebook post in which I shared a tip I’d learned. In the past, whenever I harvested cucumbers, they would turn soft or shrivel up so quickly. I recently did a web search, hoping there was some method to keep them as fresh as the day I picked them. It turns out there was! And it is incredibly simple so I wanted to make sure my Facebook and Instagram followers knew about it, too.
That Facebook post has now been seen by over 9 million people! It wasn’t as popular on Instagram — probably due to its fleeting nature — but I still got a lot of comments from folks saying they had no idea this method would work.
Then I got to thinking that not everyone is on social media. Perhaps I should share the tip in a video, too! Hence today’s blog post. So if you missed the cucumber hysteria altogether, this is for you:
I hope you enjoyed the video and would be delighted if you passed it along to others who probably don’t know this incredibly easy step to keep those cucumbers fresh! Have a great day.