Video: Shade Tolerant Vegetable Crops

shade tolerant vegetable crops, scallions
shade tolerant vegetable crops, leeks
Leeks will grow in lower-light conditions.

Vegetable plants need a lot of sunshine to grow well. But did you know there are shade tolerant vegetable crops? That’s the topic of my video this week.

My husband Bill and I are really lucky. We chose a bright, sunny location for our vegetable garden way back in 1991. Most crops need at least 6 hours of direct sun per day in order to grow well. Fortunately, there are plenty of veggies that will thrive with a minimum of 3 hours of sun daily.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I want everyone to grow vegetables. And I want you to be successful at it, too! There are probably a lot of folks who stare at potential garden spots, but think nothing will grow there. I’m here to tell you that there are so many crops that will perform well for you.

But it goes beyond that, too. There are alternative ways to grow even the most sun-loving crops out there. Think tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, pumpkins and more.

Obviously, you want to give your vegetable crops as much sun as possible. But as you’ll see, there are so many that will grow under lower light conditions.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this week’s video:

  • Which vegetable crops will grow with just 3 hours of direct sunlight. (and there are a lot of them!)
  • Tips on choosing the sunniest location for your garden.
  • Grow your veggies in rows that are in a north/south orientation… and why
  • Alternative ways to grow all kinds of vegetables.

Here’s my video on shade tolerant vegetable crops:

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